Plugin Name: Recent Google Searches Widget
Plugin URI: http://www.blogseye.com
Description: Widget to display a list of recent search engine queries in a link to the wp search function.
Author: Keith P. Graham
Version: 1.30
Author URI: http://www.cthreepo.com
function widget_kpg_collect_data_rgs() {
// let's see if we are in a page referred by google or such
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER',$_SERVER )) $ref=urldecode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
if ((strpos($ref,'google')>0||strpos($ref,'bing')>0 )&& strpos($ref,'&q=')>0) {
// search engine using q=
if (strpos($q,'&')>0) {
} else if (strpos($ref,'yahoo')>0&&strpos($ref,'&p=')>0) {
if (strpos($q,'&')>0) {
} else if (strpos($ref,'yahoo')>0&&strpos($ref,'?p=')>0) {
if (strpos($q,'&')>0) {
if ($q=='') return;
// if there is a search from the search engines, then we need to add it to our list
// q has a legit search in it.
// get the results of a search based on the parsed entry
$q=str_replace('_',' ',$q); // underscores should be space
$q=str_replace('.',' ',$q); // periods should be space
$q=str_replace('-',' ',$q); // dashes should be space
$q=str_replace('+',' ',$q); // pluses should be space
$q=str_replace('"',' ',$q); // quotes should be space
$q=str_replace(' ',' ',$q); // double spaces may have crept in
//begin modify by Jevuska
$q=str_replace('/',' ',$q); // slash are wrong
$q=str_replace('=',' ',$q); // equal are wrong
$q=str_replace(',',' ',$q); // equal are wrong
$q=str_replace(';',' ',$q);
$q = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $q);
$q = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $q);
$q = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', ' ', $q);
$q = preg_replace('|-+|', ' ', $q);
$q = str_replace('_', ' ', $q);
$q = preg_replace('/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i','',$q);
$q = preg_replace('/[^%A-Za-z0-9 _-]/', ' ', $q);
//end modify by Jevuska
if ($q=='') return;
// this is code to get the options
$options = (array) get_option('widget_kpg_rgs');
if (empty($options)) $options=array();
if (array_key_exists('title',$options)) $title = $options['title'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_nofollow',$options)) $rgs_nofollow=$options['rgs_nofollow'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_minus',$options)) $rgs_minus=$options['rgs_minus'];
if (array_key_exists('history',$options)) $history=$options['history'];
if (array_key_exists('maxlinks',$options)) $maxlinks=$options['maxlinks'];
if (array_key_exists('badwords',$options)) $badwords = $options['badwords'];
if (array_key_exists('katatengah',$options)) $rgs_katatengah = $options['katatengah'];
if (array_key_exists('extension',$options)) $extension = $options['extension'];
// end options code
if (empty($maxlinks)||$maxlinks>30||$maxlinks<0) $maxlinks=5;
// use the string as a key, date as the data
// sort the array on time
// get rid of the oldest
if (count($history)>$maxlinks) {
while ($n>$maxlinks) {
update_option('widget_kpg_rgs', $options);
//begin modify by Jevuska
if( !function_exists('str_ireplace') ){
function str_ireplace($key,$replace,$subject){
$token = chr(1);
$haystack = strtolower($subject);
$needle = strtolower($key);
while (($pos=strpos($haystack,$needle))!==FALSE){
$subject = substr_replace($subject,$token,$pos,strlen($key));
$haystack = substr_replace($haystack,$token,$pos,strlen($key));
$subject = str_replace($token,$replace,$subject);
return $subject;
function hilangkan_spesial_karakters($key) { //fungsi hilangkan semua spesial karakter jadi spasi
$key = strip_tags($key);
$key = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', ' ', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|-+|', ' ', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i','',$key);
$key = preg_replace('/[^%A-Za-z0-9 _-]/', ' ', $key);
$key = str_replace('_', ' ', $key);
$key = trim($key, ' ');
return $key;
function ubah_tandas($key) { //fungsi ubah spasi jadi plus pada permalink search
$key = strtolower($key);
$key = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i','',$key);
$key = preg_replace('/\s+/', '+', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '+', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|-+|', '+', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/[^%A-Za-z0-9 _-]/', '+', $key);
$key = str_replace('_', '+', $key);
$key = trim($key, '+');
return $key;
function ubah_tandaminus($key) { //fungsi ubah spasi jadi minus pada permalink search
$key = strtolower($key);
$key = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i','',$key);
$key = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '-', $key);
$key = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $key);
$key = preg_replace('/[^%A-Za-z0-9 _-]/', '-', $key);
$key = str_replace('_', '-', $key);
$key = trim($key, '-');
return $key;
//end modify by Jevuska
function widget_kpg_rgs($args) {
global $wpdb; // if we need to access the database - I don't think we do
extract( $args );
// this is code to get the options
$options = (array) get_option('widget_kpg_rgs');
if (empty($options)) $options=array();
$rgs_minus=""; //add by Jevuska
$badwords=""; //add by Jevuska
$katatengah=""; //add by Jevuska
$extension=""; //add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('title',$options)) $title = $options['title'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_nofollow',$options)) $rgs_nofollow=$options['rgs_nofollow'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_minus',$options)) $rgs_minus=$options['rgs_minus']; //add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('history',$options)) $history=$options['history'];
if (array_key_exists('maxlinks',$options)) $maxlinks=$options['maxlinks'];
if (array_key_exists('badwords',$options)) $badwords=$options['badwords']; //add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('katatengah',$options)) $rgs_katatengah = $options['katatengah']; //add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('extension',$options)) $extension = $options['extension']; //add by Jevuska
// end options code
// repair the old format
foreach ($history as $key=>$data) {
if ($key=='0'||$key=='1'||$key=='2'||$key=='3'||$key=='4') {
if ($up) {
update_option('widget_kpg_rgs', $options);
echo "\n\n<!-- Recent Google Search Widget -->\n\n";
if (count($history)>0) {
echo $args['before_widget'];
if ($title!='') echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;
// display the recent searches
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($history as $key =>$data) {
//begin modify by Jevuska
$badword = explode( ',',$badwords );
$key = str_ireplace( $badword,'',$key );
$ll= ubah_tandas(hilangkan_spesial_karakters($key));
if ($rgs_minus=='Y') {
$ll= ubah_tandaminus(hilangkan_spesial_karakters($key));
$dd = hilangkan_spesial_karakters($key);
//end modify by Jevuska
if ($rgs_nofollow=='Y') {
<li><a href="<?php echo bloginfo('url'); ?>/<?php echo $katatengah = "";if ($rgs_katatengah = $options['katatengah']){ echo $katatengah=$rgs_katatengah;} ?>/<?php echo $ll ?><?php echo $extension ?>" <?php echo $nofollow; ?>><?php echo $dd ?></a></li>
echo "</ul>";
echo $args['after_widget'];
function widget_kpg_rgs_control() {
// this is code to get the options
$options = (array) get_option('widget_kpg_rgs');
if (empty($options)) $options=array();
$rgs_minus="";//add by Jevuska
$badwords="";//add by Jevuska
$rgs_katatengah="";//add by Jevuska
$extension="";//add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('title',$options)) $title = $options['title'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_nofollow',$options)) $rgs_nofollow=$options['rgs_nofollow'];
if (array_key_exists('rgs_minus',$options)) $rgs_minus=$options['rgs_minus'];//add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('history',$options)) $history=$options['history'];
if (array_key_exists('maxlinks',$options)) $maxlinks=$options['maxlinks'];
if (array_key_exists('badwords',$options)) $badwords=$options['badwords'];//add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('katatengah',$options)) $rgs_katatengah = $options['katatengah'];//add by Jevuska
if (array_key_exists('extension',$options)) $extension = $options['extension'];//add by Jevuska
// end options code
if (array_key_exists('kpg_rgs_submit',$_POST)) {
if (empty($title)) $title='Recent Searches';
if (empty($maxlinks)||$maxlinks>30||$maxlinks<0) $maxlinks=5;
if (empty($rgs_nofollow)) $rgs_nofollow='N';
if (empty($rgs_minus)) $rgs_minus='N';//add by Jevuska
if (empty($rgs_katatengah)) $rgs_katatengah='search';//add by Jevuska
if (empty($badwords)) $badwords='xxx,porn,sex,site:';//add by Jevuska
$options['maxlinks'] = $maxlinks;
$options['rgs_nofollow'] = strip_tags($rgs_nofollow);
$options['rgs_minus'] = strip_tags($rgs_minus);//add by Jevuska
$options['badwords']=$badwords;//add by Jevuska
$options['katatengah']=$rgs_katatengah;//add by Jevuska
$options['extension']=$extension;//add by Jevuska
update_option('widget_kpg_rgs', $options);
<div style="text-align:right">
<label for="kpg_rgs_title" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Widget title:', 'widgets'); ?>
<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" id="kpg_rgs_title" name="kpg_rgs_title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_maxlinks" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Links to display (max 30):', 'widgets'); ?>
<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" name="kpg_rgs_maxlinks"
value="<?php echo $maxlinks; ?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_nofollow" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Use NoFollow on links:', 'widgets'); ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="kpg_rgs_nofollow"
value="Y" <?php if ($rgs_nofollow=='Y'){ echo 'checked'; }?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_badwords" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Badwords (ex:xxx,porn,sex):', 'widgets'); ?>
<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" id="kpg_rgs_badwords" name="kpg_rgs_badwords" value="<?php echo $badwords; ?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_katatengah" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Change "search" permalink word into (ex: topic, post, or article)', 'widgets'); ?>
<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" id="kpg_rgs_katatengah" name="kpg_rgs_katatengah"
value="<?php echo $rgs_katatengah ?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_minus" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Use minus sign (-) on search link', 'widgets'); ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="kpg_rgs_minus"
value="Y" <?php if ($rgs_minus=='Y'){ echo 'checked'; }?>" />
<label for="kpg_rgs_extension" style="line-height:25px;display:block;">
<?php _e('Extension (ex: .html or .php)', 'widgets'); ?>
<input style="width: 200px;" type="text" id="kpg_rgs_extension" name="kpg_rgs_extension"
value="<?php echo $extension ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="kpg_rgs_submit" id="kpg_rgs_submit" value="1" />
<small>note: the widget will not display on a page until there has actually been a user arriving by a search engine query)</small>
// admin menu panel
function widget_kpg_rgs_admin_control() {
// this is the display of information about the page.
<h2>Recent Google Searches</h2>
<h4>The Recent Google Searches Widget is installed and working correctly.</h4>
<p>All options are set through the Widget Admin Panel</p>
<p>The Recent Google Searches Widget collects the query string from Google, Bing and Yahoo. It lists the last 5 as a sidebar widget so that users might click on them and find information using the WordPress search. In this way a user might find more pages that satisfy his search and other users may be interested in the same things that previous searchers used as queries.</p>
<p>The search engines will see the widget when they spider your site. They will then send you new traffic based on the traffic that you have received. This sets up a possitive feed back loop. I experienced a doubling of traffic within a week at one site.</p>
<p>There is a danger that your site will be ranked high for a popular keyword, but one that has little to do with your site and as a result the traffic will not be related to your core keywords. I would suggest adding content to match and give the searching public what they want.</p>
<h3>If you like this plugin, why not try out these other interesting plugins.</h3>
// list of plugins
"facebook-open-graph-widget"=>"The easiest way to add a Facebook Like buttons to your blog' sidebar",
"threat-scan-plugin"=>"Check your blog for virus, trojans, malicious software and other threats",
"open-in-new-window-plugin"=>"Keep your surfers. Open all external links in a new window, automatically.",
"youtube-poster-plugin"=>"Automagically add YouTube videos as posts. All from inside the plugin. Painless, no heavy lifting.",
"permalink-finder"=>"Never get a 404 again. If you have restructured or moved your blog, this plugin will find the right post or page every time",
// get the php out
foreach ($p as $key=>$data) {
if ($f!=$key) {
?><p>•<span style="font-weight:bold;"> <?PHP echo $key ?>: </span> <a href="plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=<?PHP echo $kk ?>&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=669">Install Plugin</a> - <span style="font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;"><?PHP echo $data ?></span></p><?PHP
function widget_kpg_rgs_init() {
register_sidebar_widget(array('Recent Gooogle Searches Widget', 'widgets'), 'widget_kpg_rgs');
register_widget_control(array('Recent Gooogle Searches Widget', 'widgets'), 'widget_kpg_rgs_control');
function widget_kpg_rgs_admin_menu() {
add_options_page('Recent Gooogle Searches', 'Recent Gooogle Searches', 'manage_options',__FILE__,'widget_kpg_rgs_admin_control');
// Delay plugin execution to ensure Dynamic Sidebar has a chance to load first
add_action('widgets_init', 'widget_kpg_rgs_init');
add_action('init', 'widget_kpg_collect_data_rgs');
add_action('admin_menu', 'widget_kpg_rgs_admin_menu');

Lihat perubahanya,widget kamu akan seperti gambar dibawah ini:
