Adapun isi emailnya sbb:
Hi Sabarmuanas,
Regarding the latest update of Google algorithm, known as Panda Update, I feel obliged to convey some important information to you.
As you already know, Google Panda Update aims to remove the pages that are considered low-quality content from google search results.
"Improve it or remove it. With Google's Panda Update, low-quality content can impact an entire domain, but removing these pages - or moving Them to a different domain - can help your rankings, " says Google's Michael Wyszomierski.
And unfortunately, the search pages that are automatically created by SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 plugin, as well as the WordPress tags pages, are considered as low-quality content.
Therefore, I do not recommend to enable these two SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 features:
1. "Save popular search terms as post tags", and
2. "Convert search terms into links to search page".
All the other features are save, and not contradictory to Google Panda Update.
In addition, to eliminate those pages from Google Index, you can add the following code into your site robots.txt file ( you can find it in the public_html folder ).
User-agent: *Allow: /Disallow: /search/Disallow: /tags/
For now, Google has not perfomed Google Panda Update into all of their local sites, but I guess it'll be soon.
To make friends with Google Panda, always use high quality unique content, and strengthen the on-page SEO of those content in accordance with the keywords you target. Some people even said that the most important now is your on-page SEO, and not your backlinks (off page). For me, both is important, but I do believe that on-page SEO become more important then before.
Kabar buruk yang ingin disampaikan oleh Purwedi adalah halaman hasil pencarian yang dihasilkan Plugin STT2 dianggap Google sebagai konten dengan kualitas rendah. Tentu saja hal ini tidak baik dalam membangun kepercayaan (trust) sebuah website di mata search engine. Jika satu halaman sudah dianggap buruk, maka hal ini bisa berpengaruh terhadap penilaian seluruh artikel dalam domain tersebut. Ngeri kan kalau hal ini terjadi kepada website Anda.
Lalu bagaimana solusinya? Purwedi yang banyak membantu blogger bertarung dalam SEO menyatakan Plugin STT2 masih aman dipakai. Tapi dengan tambahan rekomendasi untuk DISABLE dua fitur Plugin STT 2 berikut:
“Save popular search terms as post tags”
“Convert search terms into links to search page”
Untuk menghindari halaman tersebut ter-indeks oleh Google, Anda bisa menambahkan kode berikut ke dalam file robots.txt website Anda (Anda bisa menemukannya di folder public_html).
User-agent: *
Allow: /
Disallow: /search/
Disallow: /tags/
Untuk alasanya kenapa google merubah algoritmanya mungkin sobat semua bisa menebaknya, iya! mungkin karena plugin ini sering depakai untuk blog auto generate content atau AGC juga karena pulugin ini ,membuat banyak duplicate pada index google.